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County Birth to 3 Program – Annual Determinations Analysis Summary, F-03171 (05/2023)

The Wiscosin Birth to 3 Annual Determinations- Analysis Summary

The purpose of this survey is for counties reflect on their data and practices. The data collected in this survey will be used internally to better inform the Department of Health Services' understanding of county practices and inform the Birth to 3 Program- Determinations Follow-up Meetings.

  • Using data shared in the matrix sent by DHS and information collected by your program:
    • Assess current program practices and operations.
    • Use this information to complete and answer the questions below.
    • Responses shared in this document will support conversations with the children and family program specialist and Bureau of Children's Services staff or be used to facilitate focused monitoring.
This question requires a valid email address.
1. How does your current matrix compare to your previous matrix?
2. From the previous matrix to your most recent, how has each indicator changed?
Space Cell IncreasedDecreasedStayed the same
Indicator 1
Indicator 2
Indicator 3- Outcome 1A
Indicator 3- Outcome 1B
Indicator 3- Outcome 2A
Indicator 3- Outcome 2B
Indicator 3- Outcome 3A
Indicator 3- Outcome 3B
Indicator 7
Indicator 8A
Indicator 8B
Indicator 8C
The below questions ask about a variety of practices. In order for there to be consistency in answers there are some definitions we would like to share. 
  • Team meetings, team practices (meet regularly as a team and team members receive coaching support from other team members across disciplines)
  • Coaching of families (interactive process between providers and caregivers involving 1) observation, 2) action/practice, 3) reflection, 4) feedback and 5) joint planning to directly promote the parent's ability to support his or her child's participation in family and community activities)
  • Using primary coach (one member is selected as the primary coach (to the family) as the primary service provider, to strengthen parenting competence and confidence and promote child learning and development. This person is supported by a multidisciplinary team.)
3. What factors or practices impacted your determination status positively? Select your top 2-3.
  • * This question is required.
4. What practices impacted your determinations status negatively? Select top 2-3.
  • * This question is required.
5. How consistent (team is doing the same practices, every time) and standardized (team is meeting standards set in policy) are your practices?
Space Cell Not consistent or standardizedStandardized but not consistentBoth standardized and consistentNot sureOther
Data entry practices
County intake practices
County family engagement practices
County IFSP outcome development practices
Ongoing assessment practices
Transition practices
6. What focus areas is your program choosing to address the identified issue(s) first? Select top 2 or 3.
  • * This question is required.
7. What focus areas could the state provide guidance on? Select your top 2 or 3.
  • * This question is required.