Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

Also known as: Aroclor, Chlorinated Biphenyls, Kaneclor
Chemical reference number (CAS): 1336-36-3

PCBs are a group of 209 different compounds and are manufactured substances and have no smell. They are yellow, oily liquids that don't burn easily. There are no natural sources of PCBs.

Companies in the United States first made PCBs in 1929. They've been used as coolants in electrical equipment, in metal-cutting oils, in microscope lens oils, and in inks, dyes, and carbonless copy paper.

In 1977, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned the use of PCBs. The EPA was concerned about the harmful effects of PCBs. For example, PCBs can accumulate in the environment. PCBs may be present in old fluorescent light fixtures and parts of appliances made before 1978.

PCBs break down very slowly and can be carried long distances in the air, in rivers, lakes and oceans. PCBs can build up over time in the fat of people and animals. Recent studies found that most people have traces of PCBs in their body fat. PCBs can accumulate in the food chain. For example, fish can have PCB levels in their fatty tissues that are much higher than in the surrounding water.

For most people, eating fish or other seafood caught from polluted water is the main way in which they are exposed to PCBs.

Women who are pregnant or who plan to have children should be especially cautious about eating contaminated fish. When people eat contaminated food over many years, PCBs can build up in their body fat. When people lose weight or breastfeed, their bodies use stored fat and put stored PCBs back into their blood. Babies may be exposed to PCBs in breast milk from mothers who often eat PCB contaminated fish.

Researchers have found high levels of PCBs in several types of fish, shellfish, marine mammals and waterfowl. In general, older animals living in polluted areas have the highest levels. State advisories are available for people who eat sport-caught fish and waterfowl. For more information, contact your regional Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) office.

People can be exposed to PCBs in places where these chemicals were used, spilled, or thrown away. PCBs can be absorbed through skin during handling of the chemicals, contaminated soil or other contaminated items.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests not eating fish containing more than 2 parts per million of PCBs. This guidance assumes that a person eats two 8-ounce servings of fish per month, for every month of the year.

The state and federal drinking water standards for PCBs are both set at 0.5 parts per billion (ppb). The Wisconsin groundwater standard is 0.03 ppb. The Wisconsin’s standard is to protect people against the possible cancer-causing effects of PCBs and the effects PCBs have on infants. We suggest you stop drinking water containing more than 0.03 ppb of PCBs.

Everyone's Reaction is Different

A person's reaction to chemicals depends on several things, including individual health, heredity, previous exposure to chemicals including medicines, and personal habits such as smoking or drinking. It’s also important to consider the length of exposure to the chemical, the amount of chemical exposure, and whether the chemical was inhaled, touched, or eaten.

Researchers have found PCBs cause a number of harmful health effects. Exposure to high levels of PCBs, as might occur as a result of a chemical spill, can cause changes in the immune system and in liver function. The following health effects can occur after several years of exposure to PCBs:

  • PCBs cause liver cancer in laboratory animals and may cause cancer in humans.
  • PCB exposure can cause liver damage.
  •  Animal studies show the immune system can be affected by PCBs.
  • Some limited animal and human studies suggest PCBs can affect reproduction and the development of unborn babies. Researchers have noted learning and memory problems in some children who were exposed to PCBs before birth.

Doctors can use blood tests to evaluate exposure to PCBs. This type of blood test is expensive and not always locally available. Testing can also detect PCBs in human fat or breast milk. Most testing of this type has been done for research purposes. Liver function tests may be helpful in determining damage from exposure.

Seek medical advice if you have any symptoms that you think may be related to exposure.


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Last revised June 15, 2022