EMS Training Curricula

Proposed EMS training curricula update


In 2021, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration published a new revision of the National EMS Education Standards. While the new National EMS Education Standards share much of the same content as the previous version, they also incorporate multiple developments in emergency medical services from the past decade. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and the Wisconsin Technical College System therefore launched a new curriculum revision project in 2020 both in preparation for the forthcoming new National EMS Education Standards and to better align curriculum with Wisconsin EMS Scope of Practice.

The format of the proposed curriculum differs significantly from the previous curriculum. While the new curriculum still outlines the necessary content to include in a course, it does not go into the depth and breadth breakdown of that material to the same degree as the previous curriculum. Details of classroom activities, lesson planning, and other similar functions have omitted where possible from state curriculum. They are instead left for individual training centers and instructors to develop.

DHS intends to publish new curriculum in 2025. The paramedic curriculum is not included in the curriculum revision project.

Proposed curriculum

DRAFT EMR Wisconsin Curriculum (PDF)

DRAFT EMT Wisconsin Curriculum (PDF)

DRAFT AEMT Wisconsin Curriculum (PDF)


The proposed curriculum does not include every possible skill in the current scope of practice, it does contain most of the medications, invasive procedures, and other higher risk skills added since the last curriculum revision. Incorporating new content does also increase educational hours.

Recognizing the proposed curricula is a significant change intended to capture ten-years of advancement, the EMS Section has posted drafts for external feedback. If you wish to comment on the draft curriculum, email the EMS Section at dhsemssmail@dhs.wisconsin.gov and include the certification or license level(s) of curriculum you are providing feedback. If a comment involves specific criteria within a curriculum, please also reference the criteria number in the comment.

Feedback will be collected through October 4, 2024.

Wisconsin EMS Standards and Procedures

Wisconsin Emergency Medical Responder Curriculum

Wisconsin RN to EMT Curriculum (2010)

Wisconsin EMT Curriculum (2011)

Wisconsin Advanced EMT Curriculum (2012)

Wisconsin Intermediate Curriculum (2012)

Wisconsin Paramedic Curriculum (2011)

Wisconsin Critical Care Transport Paramedic Curriculum (2009)

Wisconsin Clinical Field Competencies (2014)


Last revised September 4, 2024