Wisconsin Tuberculosis (TB) Program: Overview

The Wisconsin Tuberculosis Program (TB Program) oversees, manages, and facilitates the various activities and interventions necessary to assure identification and proper treatment of all individuals with tuberculosis to eliminate its subsequent spread to others.

The TB Program provides medication and educational services to prevent and control infection and disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Department of Health Services staff from the Division of Public Health based in Madison are responsible for disease surveillance, monitoring of statistical trends, and individual case management consultation to local health departments. Staff also conduct tuberculosis prevention and control consultation and training for health care providers statewide.

Medication needs

The TB Program manages an anti-tuberculosis therapy program in accordance with Wis. Stat. § 252.07. Persons with tuberculosis infection, suspect or confirmed tuberculosis disease, or household contacts with infectious tuberculosis may receive anti-tuberculosis medication free of charge through their local health department. A physician may request medication by completing the appropriate form and submitting it to the patient's local health department.


Last revised December 9, 2022