Radioactive Materials: Specific Licenses, WISREG, and Application Forms

Find links below to the appropriate forms and Wisconsin Regulatory Guides (WISREG) information.

Certificate of Disposition of Materials

Certificate of Disposition of Materials, F-45007

Portable gauges or XRF devices

WISREG 1556 Vol. 1, P-45025 (PDF) Revision 2 - Guidance for Portable Gauges or XRF Devices

Application for Radioactive Material License Authorizing the Use of Sealed Sources in Portable Gauges or XRF Devices, F-45006

Fixed gauge devices

WISREG 1556 Vol. 4 Revision 1, P-45038 (PDF) - Guidance for Fixed Gauges

Application for Radioactive Material License Authorizing the use of Sealed Sources in Fixed Gauge Devices, F-45009


WISREG 1556 - Vol. 13 Rev 1., P-45044 (PDF) - Guidance for Radiopharmacies

Medical use

WISREG 1556 - Vol. 9, P-45041 (PDF) Revision 2 - Guidance for Medical Use of Radioactive Material

Application for a Radioactive Material License for Medical Use F-45008

Training, experience and preceptor attestations

Industrial radiography

WISREG 1556 - Vol. 2 Revision 2, P-45045 (PDF) - Guidance for Industrial Radiography Use

Application for a Radioactive Material License Authorizing the Use of Industrial Radiography, F-45013

Academic research and development and other licenses of limited scope

WISREG 1556 - Vol. 7, P-45046 (PDF) - Guidance for Academic, Research and Development, and Other Licenses of Limited Scope

Application for a Radioactive Material License for Academic, Research and Development and Other Licenses of Limited Scope, F-45016

Broad scope

WISREG 1556 - Vol. 11, P-45047 (PDF) Guidance for Licenses of Broad Scope

Application for Radioactive Material License for Broad Scope, F-45015


Last revised March 29, 2024