Regulations: Assisted Living Forum

The Assisted Living Forum brings together people who work in assisted living to discuss:

  • Assisted living care rules.
  • Best practices for assisted living care.
  • Local and national trends in assisted living.
  • Public funding issues.

The Division of Quality Assurance (DQA) and the Bureau of Assisted Living hold the Assisted Living Forum four times a year. More meetings are scheduled as needed.

Upcoming forums

The Assisted Living Forum will meet from 10 a.m.–noon on the following dates:

  • October 15, 2024

To attend:

  • Join Zoom forum. (Select this link to go straight to the room. No need for a meeting ID and password.)
    • Meeting ID: 160 480 6553
    • Passcode: 438699
  • Join by Phone: 669-254-5252
    • Enter 1604806553 # when asked for the meeting ID
    • Enter 438699 # if asked for passcode
    • Enter # if asked for participant ID

Who can attend an Assisted Living Forum?

Anyone who works in the assisted care industry can attend. This includes:

  • Health care providers.
  • Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) regulators.
  • People who work at different kinds of assisted living facilities.

Members of the media are welcome to attend. However, they should avoid asking questions during the forum. Please contact DHS Communications with questions at

How do I submit topics to discuss during an Assisted Living Forum?

If you have topics to discuss, email them to the Bureau of Assisted Living at

Please include your email and phone number when submitting topics. We may call or email a response rather than respond during a forum.

Where can I find information about past Assisted Living Forums?

Agendas and handouts from past forums are listed below.

August 20, 2024

June 18, 2024

February 13, 2024

October 17, 2023


Last revised August 21, 2024