Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 Baseline and Health Disparities Report


The Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 Baseline and Health Disparities Report provides baseline data for the health focus areas in Healthiest Wisconsin 2020. It also provides information to document a range of health disparities found for some of the populations and communities in Wisconsin.

Given its scope, the report encompasses 26 chapters and more than 1,100 pages. It is not intended to be printed or read cover to cover. Instead, please select chapters of interest. The report is available in two formats:

  • PowerPoint slide sets: Each chapter on a health focus area, infrastructure focus area or population is presented as an annotated slide set. The purpose of this format is to foster sharing of the data through presentations to groups.
  • Reference document: The report is also presented as a compilation of PDFs of the 26 chapters. The PDF version is intended to serve as a reference.

To understand the report format and contents, please review the Table of Contents and the Executive Summary before opening any of the other chapters.

Using the PowerPoint slides

You can present all or some of the slides in a given chapter, or select one or more of a chapter's slides to add to existing presentations. In either case, please do not change the slides in any way. Changes in a slide's title, figure, or notes can render the information incorrect or incomplete.

Use Source Formatting
When you copy a slide from a slide set into another presentation, use the paste option "Use Source Formatting."

From the links below, you can view, print, or download individual chapters of interest.  

Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 Baseline and Health Disparities Report

Executive Summary, P-00522A (PDF)


For more information contact:

Division of Public Health
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
PO Box 2659
Madison, WI 53701-2659



Last revised May 19, 2022