Person-Centered Planning

Planning is something that all people do. People set goals. People dream of things they want in order to live their best life. Over time, with individual effort and outside supports, goals can be achieved.

Promoting choice and autonomy

In human service work, best practice is to use Person-Centered Planning methods. Person-Centered Planning, also known as PCP, has a constructive focus verses a focus on problems, tending to symptoms, and treating a diagnosis. Services exist to benefit the people served (and not vice versa). Person-Centered Planning is done with the people served, for the people served. When practitioners and recovery-oriented systems embrace Person-Centered Planning, they see each person as an essential partner in making decisions about services.

Person-Centered Planning involves ongoing conversations about action, as well as the creation of a written document about action. Planning is not something done once and then finished. Written plans change and evolve as the person does. No two plans are identical. Natural supports and the strengths and resources they offer are encouraged and engaged. Services and action steps are collaboratively identified, and balance what is important to the person and what is important for the person.

Learn more about our Person-Centered Planning model


Last revised April 13, 2023