Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System Statistics and Publications

The Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System provides cancer incidence and mortality data directly to the following online platforms the public can explore for free.

WISH Cancer Modules

Transparent charts floating above a laptop.

Create cancer incidence, mortality, and stage of diagnosis queries on the Wisconsin Interactive Statistics on Health (WISH) cancer modules.

Wisconsin EPHT Program

Charts related to finances on clipboard with laptop next to it.

Wisconsin Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) hosts counts and age-adjusted incidence rates on more than a dozen cancer types.

County Cancer Profiles

An adult monitoring the chart and graph growth on the desktop computer.

Explore county cancer incidence and mortality alongside other measures of health using the Wisconsin Cancer Collaborative's Profiles.

NAACCR On-Line Cancer Data

A clipboard with papers of graphs and charts.

Explore and visualize cancer incidence and mortality data by geography, cancer type, and demographics from the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries.


Childhood Cancers in Wisconsin: Data Brief (PDF), Wisconsin Cancer Collaborative

Journal publications

United States and North American statistics and publications

The Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System provides data that support the following United States and North American statistics and publications:

Can't find what you need?

Email us at DHSWCRSDataRequests@dhs.wisconsin.gov to request Wisconsin cancer data technical assistance.


Last revised July 25, 2024