National Core Indicators Project in Wisconsin

What is the NCI Project?

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) conducts surveys to learn about the long-term care services that older adults and adults with physical, intellectual, or developmental disabilities receive in Wisconsin, as well as their experiences and quality of life. DHS also conducts surveys of families who have children with disabilities about their experiences with services and supports. 

This is part of a nationwide project called National Core Indicators.

Wisconsin participates in surveys for adults and children

Adults who receive long-term care services

Caregiver assisting an adult with a walker to rise from sofa

This survey reaches out to older adults and adults with physical, intellectual, and developmental disabilities.

Families with a child who receives long-term care services

Smiling child in wheelchair on sidewalk

Surveys families who have a child with a disability who lives in the family’s home.


Last revised March 4, 2024