Report to the Legislature on Data Processing Projects

Assigned Number Sort ascending Title Release Date File Type Language Available to Order
P-00988 Report to the Legislature on Data Processing Projects: 2020 Report 06/28/2021 PDF English
P-00988 Report to the Legislature on Data Processing Projects: 2018 Report 02/09/2019 PDF English
P-00988 Report to the Legislature on Data Processing Projects: 2017 Report 01/08/2018 PDF English
P-00988 Report to the Legislature on Data Processing Projects: 2022 Report 01/04/2023 PDF English
P-00988 Report to the Legislature on Data Processing Projects: 2023 Report 02/05/2024 PDF English
P-00988 Report to the Legislature on Data Processing Projects: 2021 Report 04/12/2022 PDF English


Last revised September 20, 2024