Feeding Assistant Program: Employment Requirements

Feeding assistants may only work for a long-term care facility if they:

  • Are at least 16 years old.
  • Complete an approved training program.
  • Pass a background check.
  • Pass a competency assessment.

Learn more about the Feeding Assistant Program

Other requirements

Continuing education

Feeding assistants must receive annual:

  • Assessments on their ability to help residents.
  • Trainings on relevant topics.


A facility must choose its training curriculum based on the charge nurse's most recent assessment of residents:

  • Care plans.
  • Needs.


Feeding assistants can only help residents who don't have a complicated feeding problem.

Complicated feeding problems include:

  • Being fed by IV or tube.
  • Frequent lung infections.
  • Trouble swallowing.

Only a licensed health worker with the necessary training can help residents with a complicated feeding problem.

Feeding assistants can help residents in the dining room or in their rooms. They can't perform services other than helping residents eat and drink.


A facility must provide different supervision to feeding assistants depending on age:

  • For those 16 to 18: An RN (registered nurse) or LPN (licensed practical nurse) must provide direct supervision. That means the nurse must be on the same floor or in the same unit.
  • For those 18 and older: An RN or LPN must provide general supervision.
  • In an emergency, a feeding assistant must call their supervisor right away.

Learn more about how we regulate our care programs


Last revised May 2, 2022