Healthcare-Associated Infections: Resources for Health Professionals

Below, you can find healthcare-associated infections (HAI) information and tools for health professionals.

Infection Prevention Education

An adult working on a computer.

Find educational materials for infection preventionists on infection prevention and HAIs.

Infection Preventionist Starter Kit

health professional wearing scrubs smiles with people in background

The interactive, web-based “starter kit” provides background information, resources, and templates for infection preventionists.

Local and Tribal Health Department Resources

Adult at a computer at a book store

Find educational materials and training resources on HAIs and infection prevention for local and Tribal health department (LTHD) staff.

Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship

Several enterobacteriaceae clustered together.

Learn about antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship programs.

Reportable Multidrug-Resistant Organisms

Close up of Pseudomonas bacteria

Learn about multidrug-resistant organisms and reporting requirements.


Surgeons scrubbing hands

Get information on standard, transmission-based, and enhanced-barrier precautions.


Doctor working on computer with stethoscope on desk

Learn about HAI surveillance and the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN).

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Masked surgeon putting on gloves

Get the facts about PPE for health care professionals.

Surgical Site Infection Prevention

Doctor holding x-ray with patient who has a knee injury

Find surgical site infection prevention resources and presentations.

Infection Prevention and Dialysis

Hemodialysis machine.

Learn about infection prevention and control practices specific to dialysis settings.

Infection Prevention in Ambulatory Care

A waiting room, blurred.

Learn about infection prevention and control practices specific to ambulatory care settings.

Reportable Exposures

Blue gloved hand add a vial of blood to a tray

Read about bloodborne pathogens, other potentially infectious materials, and exposure control plans.

Questions about HAIs? Contact us!

HAI homepage | Phone: 608-267-7711 | Fax: 608-261-4976


Last revised July 19, 2024