HIPAA: Resources

The following resources can help you become and stay compliant with the Privacy and Security Rules under HIPAA’s (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Administration Simplification provisions.


Learn the latest news about HIPAA.

Privacy Rule

Find information related to protecting health information.

Have a privacy question for HHS? Email ocrprivacy@os.dhhs.gov or call 866-627-7748.

Security Rule

Find information about ensuring the confidentiality of electronic protected health information.

HIPAA guidance material

Read documents and other guidance material related to HIPAA.

State confidentiality laws

Find statutes related to HIPAA that are specific to the State of Wisconsin.

Mental health/AODA/DD



Long-term care/family care

Other resources

Refer to these other HIPAA and Privacy resources.

Training resources

Take a training and learn more.


Last revised January 9, 2024