LGBTQ Health: Transgender Health

A person who is transgender does not conform with gender norms for their biological sex assigned at birth. These norms include:

  • Gender identities
  • Expressions
  • Behaviors

Being transgender looks different for everyone. For example, some people might:

  • Change their bodies with hormones or surgery. Doing so helps align their physical body with their gender identity.
  • Express gender in less permanent ways. This includes through clothing, hair, makeup, pronoun usage, and other behaviors.
  • Choose not to alter their external appearance at all.

Ultimately, transgender people want to be treated with respect. They also want to be treated in a way that aligns with their self-identify. The following resources can help explain the challenges transgender people face. This includes health issues.

Important definitions

Sexual orientation—the sex of people someone is attracted to. Transgender people may identify as heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian.

Gender identity—how a person understands their own gender.


FORGE: Anti-Violence—Resources for transgender survivors of violence and their loved ones.

Pediatric and Adolescent Transgender Health (PATH) Clinic: UW Health—Services and resources provided by University of Wisconsin Pediatric and Adolescent Transgender Health (PATH) Clinic.


Last revised August 30, 2024