How to Construct a Query in the WISH System: A Step-by-Step Example Using the Cancer Incidence Module

Within each module of the WISH system, you begin a query by selecting a measure. This selection creates a central data construct from which additional query options are possible (cancer site, region of residence, and demographic characteristics). In the Cancer Incidence Module you can focus on any of three measures:

  • Number of cancer cases
  • Cancer incidence crude rate
  • Cancer incidence age-adjusted rate

Next you can select a specific cancer site and further specify query criteria if desired. Submitting a request at this point creates output for Wisconsin statewide for the most recent year of stored data, giving you a quick, broad view of the data measure you requested. Alternatively, go to the next section of the query page to select a specific region or county or to choose years or demographic characteristics. When you are ready submit your request.

When the output table is displayed, you may print it using your browser print features. Here is an example output table for Lung and Bronchus cancer:

Query: Wisconsin Cancer Incidence (Wisconsin 1995 - 2016)

  • ( (Sites = Lung and Bronchus) )
  • and ( (2012 <= Year <= 2016) )

Age-Adjusted Cancer Incidence Rate (incidence per 100,000 population)
(age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population)

Region of Residence Cancer Incidence Population Cancer Incidence Rate 95% Confidence Interval
Southern 3910 5620876 59.5 57.6 - 61.4
Southeastern 7640 10616181 62.9 61.5 - 64.4
Northeastern 4373 6177873 55.5 53.9 - 57.3
Western 2852 3907922 58.1 55.9 - 60.3
Northern 2170 2418829 61.2 58.6 - 63.8

Cell Suppression and Cells with Counts of Zero: An "X" indicates that one or more values within a row or column is less than 6 (but more than zero) and has been suppressed to protect confidentiality. To obscure the value of the suppressed cell, some values greater than 5 and corresponding rate or percent values may also be displayed as an "X." A period (.) indicates there are zero cases in that cell. If all values in a row or column are zero, that row or column is not displayed.

To save or copy these results:

  • Highlight the output you want to save.
  • Select EDIT, COPY.
  • PASTE the output into your word processing or spreadsheet program.

Start a new query within the same module by clicking NEXT QUERY. Other options shown on an output table include DATA SOURCE, INTERPRETATION, and HELP. These provide additional information and explanations for reading output from your query. At the end of each option is a BACK function to return you to the current output table.


Last revised March 20, 2023