WISH Injury-Related Health Outcomes Data Sources

Injury-related emergency department data

Wisconsin Hospital Emergency Department Visits, Office of Health Informatics, Division of Public Health, Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

The database includes information from Wisconsin’s hospitals including acute care, general medical and surgical, psychiatric, rehabilitation, and alcoholism and other drug abuse hospitals. Data from Veterans Affairs and other federal hospitals are not included.

The database was enhanced (December 2012) by the addition of Minnesota hospital emergency department visits obtained from the Minnesota Hospital Association. This added available records from 2002 forward for Wisconsin residents treated in Minnesota hospitals. The dataset does not include Rochester Mayo hospitals before 2006.

Injury-related hospitalization data

Wisconsin Hospital Inpatient Discharges, Office of Health Informatics, Division of Public Health, Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

The database includes information from Wisconsin’s hospitals including acute care, general medical and surgical, psychiatric, rehabilitation, and alcoholism and other drug abuse hospitals. Data from Veterans Affairs and other federal hospitals are not included.

The database was enhanced (December 2012) by the addition of Minnesota hospital inpatient discharge data obtained from the Minnesota Hospital Association. This added available records from 2000 forward for Wisconsin residents treated in Minnesota hospitals, adding about 3% to the statewide total. The dataset does not include Rochester Mayo hospitals before 2006.

Mortality data

Resident death certificates, Office of Health Informatics, Division of Public Health, Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

  • Mortality data for years 1999 through 2013 are based on files that were finalized and used to create the Wisconsin annual death report.
  • Data for 2014 and later years are based on a dataset that remains active and is updated with corrections and additions to death certificates. Data from these years may not match with the Wisconsin annual death reports or other WISH mortality modules as new injury deaths may be added after these other reports have been published.

Population data

U.S. Census Bureau (1989, 1990, 2000, and 2010). Office of Health Informatics, Division of Public Health, Wisconsin Department of Health Services (estimates for non-census years other than 1989). Land area data, used to calculate population density, is from the U.S. Census Bureau (2000).

Published information on Wisconsin births, deaths, population, and other health statistics is available from the Data and Statistics pages of the DHS website.


Last revised May 21, 2019