Autism Council: Meetings

Council meetings are quarterly, with the first meeting of the year in February. The exact date will be published here when it is known. Meeting agendas and approved final minutes of past meetings will be published as they are available. The Council approves final minutes for one meeting as a matter of business at the next meeting. After the minutes have been approved by the Council, they are published to this website.

All Council meetings are open to the public. The first half hour of each agenda is available for public comment. Anyone wishing to comment must appear in person and register at least 15 minutes prior to the meeting. (The Council will attempt to accommodate speakers who are not able to attend until later in the day.) Each speaker will have up to three minutes for their comments, regardless of whether they are speaking as an individual or representing a group. Speakers are asked to submit their comments in writing for the record, if possible.

2024 meeting schedule

View past meetings.

Disclaimer about advisory council content

This content reflects the views and opinions of the advisory council. It may not reflect the official policy or position of DHS.


Last revised May 8, 2024