Children’s Community Options Program: How to Apply

To apply for the Children’s Community Options Program:

  1. Contact the county health and human services agency near you. Let them know you would like services for a child in your care. They will help you with next steps.
  2. Work with the county agency to complete these steps:
    1. Fill out an application.
    2. Plan a home visit.
      A person from the county agency will meet with you and your child at home. This person is called a support and service coordinator (SSC). The SSC will want to learn about your child and family. They’ll ask questions and talk with your family. The SSC also might reach out to others, like health care providers.
  3. Determine the child’s care needs.
    The SSC uses an online tool. It helps find out whether a child is eligible for the program. View Children’s Programs Eligibility and Functional Screen, P-03061.
  4. Find out from the SSC if your child is eligible for the program. 
  5. If your child is eligible, you’ll work more with the SSC. They’ll help identify your unique needs, abilities, strengths, and desired outcomes. You’ll explore support options with the SSC as you create a service plan together. Options in your service plan can be formal or informal:
  • Formal supports may include medical, social, or education resources.
  • Informal supports may include help from friends, family, neighbors, or other groups.

Through this process, your SSC may help you find and use services in your community.


Last revised October 17, 2022