Monthly Licensed Bed Assessment Program (LBAP)
Monthly Licensed Bed Assessment Charges
Per Chapter DHS 15.04(2)(a), charges on a monthly assessment are based on a facility's bed count as of the 15th of the month before the month of the assessment.
Making Payments
Before using the e-Payment option for paying bed assessments for the first time you will need to:
- Obtain a Wisconsin "Web Access Management System" (WAMS) ID, and
- Request access to the e-Payment System
Need Help? LBAP User Guide (PDF)
Don't have a WAMS ID?
- Request an ID and password. Follow the directions included in the confirmation email
- Activate your account
- Click on the account activation link (provided in the email)
- Log in with your new user ID and password to activate the account
Request e-Payment System Access
Send an email with your WAMS ID and the facility license numbers for which payments will be made for the bed assessment to the Bureau of Rate Setting at
Contact Information
For additional help or questions regarding e-Payment issues, please email