HIV: Is PrEP for Me?

A couple tending a garden.

PrEP is meant for people who have substantial risk for getting HIV. People who may be at substantial risk for getting HIV are:

  • Someone who has sex with a partner who has HIV.
  • Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men who engage in condomless anal sex with someone whose HIV status is unknown.
  • Transgender women who engage in condomless anal sex with someone whose HIV status is unknown.
  • People who share injection drug use equipment with someone who may be HIV positive.

Questions on the Wisconsin PrEP assessment tool (PDF) may help you determine if you are at substantial risk for HIV:

Some people may not be able to take PrEP because of medical reasons. Before prescribing PrEP, a physician would assess your kidney function and bone health to determine how PrEP may affect you.

For oral PrEP to be fully effective, Truvada® must be taken every day. If you want to use oral PrEP to prevent HIV, you must be committed to taking a pill once a day.

Truvada® may have some minor side effects when you first start on PrEP. These side effects may include upset stomach, loss of appetite, or a mild headache. These symptoms usually go away within the first month.

Injectable PrEP is an option for those who do not want to take a pill every day. Injectable PrEP is administered by a health care provider.

The initial administration will require two injections be given one month apart, and then administration will move to once every two months after initial establishment for lasting effectiveness.

Injectable PrEP is another method proven to be effective for cis-gender women and transgender men who have vaginal intercourse. If you miss a dose of injectable PrEP by more than 7 days, please consult with a health care provider to be reassessed for a preventative plan.

To learn more about whether PrEP is right for you, see the resources below or contact your health care provider:


Last revised September 18, 2023