Statutory Council on Blindness

News and updates

February 2023:

Dear community members,

Thank you again to those of you who participated in the Statutory Council on Blindness Community Conversations and survey this past spring. The conversations provided excellent information that will guide the council's activities for 2023 and beyond. A report summarizing the results of the conversations is now available. Across the community conversations and the surveys, the following four themes were identified as community priorities:

  • Community engagement and connectedness
  • Information
  • Transportation and pedestrian safety
  • Supportive environments and systems

A recurring and important message throughout all of these themes was the fundamental need for independence and accessibility.

In 2023, the Statutory Council on Blindness will be focusing on each theme at their quarterly meetings. The first theme to be addressed at the upcoming February 9 meeting is community engagement and connectedness. Please review the public meeting notice for an agenda and more information about the meeting. We cordially invite you to participate in the meeting to learn more about activities happening in Wisconsin to strengthen statewide community engagement and connectedness. We would also like you to provide your valuable insight based upon lived experience. Our goal as a council is to be a positive role model for change across all of the themes addressed here, and we need your voice to be heard! Please join us!


The Statutory Council on Blindness


The Statutory Council on Blindness (SCOB) is a nine-member body whose purpose is to make recommendations to the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and other state agencies on services, activities, programs, investigations, and research that affect persons of Wisconsin who are blind or visually impaired. The nine members of the Council are appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Health Services to serve three-year terms and are eligible to reapply to serve a second three-year term at the conclusion of the first.

Per Wisconsin Statute §47.01(1) and §47.01(5), at least seven of the nine appointed members must be blind or visually impaired, and the members must reflect a broad representation of blind or visually impaired persons. All Council members must have an interest in and demonstrated knowledge of the problems of the blind and visually impaired. More detailed functions of the SCOB are specified in Wisconsin Statute § 47.03(9).

The Statutory Council on Blindness meets quarterly to discuss issues and recommendations for state agencies regarding people who are blind or visually impaired. These meetings are open to the public. Public meeting notices, agendas, and meeting minutes can be found on our meetings page. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Statutory Council on Blindness, visit the recruitment page for more information.

If you encounter any issues or have concerns that affect the blind community, we invite you to join us at an upcoming meeting or submit a public comment to present your issue to the Council for review.

Disclaimer about advisory council content

This content reflects the views and opinions of the advisory council. It may not reflect the official policy or position of DHS.


Last revised April 13, 2023