TB Medicaid (MA)

Wisconsin Tuberculosis-Related Only Medicaid is a health care plan for persons diagnosed with active tuberculosis (TB) disease or latent TB infection (LTBI) who do not have insurance and do not meet requirements for other Medicaid programs.

The plan covers medication and medical services directly related to the treatment of TB disease or LTBI. Individuals who are in need of medical assistance are encouraged to call their local health department for help with the application process.

After contacting their local health department, individuals or their representatives can call their income maintenance consortium office (see resources below) for their area to check for eligibility and apply.

Close-up of an insurance form, type of health coverage and dependent information, with a pen resting on the paper

 DHS Medicaid resources

Questions about TB? Contact us!
Phone: 608-261-6319 | Fax: 608-266-0049


Last revised October 9, 2023