Water: Drinking Water

Water keeps our minds and bodies healthy.

Where does drinking water come from?

In Wisconsin, about 66% of people use groundwater as their drinking water source. Groundwater is part of the water cycle. When it rains or snows, water seeps into pores and cracks in the soil. It’s stored in a rock layer in the Earth called an aquifer. This water is supplied to people who live in Wisconsin through a private well or a public water system.

The other 33% of people get their drinking water from Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, or Lake Winnebago. This water is supplied to people through a public water system. 

How do I make sure my tap water is safe to drink?

We all have a role in making sure our drinking water is safe and healthy. Start by learning about your drinking water’s quality.

Related topics

Our groundwater standards page has information on how we set standards to the source of drinking water for two-thirds of Wisconsinites.

DNR's drinking water page has links to pages on Wisconsin's drinking water laws and rules, tips on how to identify water qualify issues, and a library of drinking water publications.

EPA's groundwater and drinking water page has links to pages on background information, key topics, and regulations.

Questions? Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us!


Last revised October 24, 2023