Asthma: Publications and Information
Asthma ranks as an important public health issue in Wisconsin, and is routinely identified as a high priority in state and federal public health plans. Statewide asthma surveillance data demonstrate that such attention is warranted, and these data have helped identify populations where the burden of asthma in the state is particularly high.
The Department of Health Services (DHS) comprehensively addresses the burden of asthma through surveillance, partnerships, and interventions. Forming strong collaborations and partnerships with key asthma stakeholders around the state has been one of the program's greatest strengths over the past 15 years. Explore these publications to learn more about asthma in Wisconsin.
New documents
Wisconsin Asthma Plan 2021-2025
The Wisconsin Asthma Coalition asthma plan includes goals, objectives and strategies to improve asthma outcomes.
Asthma Care Home Program Shows Improved Outcomes and Cost Savings, P-02403 (PDF)
Evaluation of the Asthma Care Program data showed improved health outcomes and a reduction in asthma-related hospitalizations and emergency department visits.
Asthma Care Program Guidebook, English and Spanish, P-01218
The Asthma Care Program Guidebook is a comprehensive asthma educational tool, which is used to educate the asthma patient or caregiver. Topics include asthma basics, trigger reduction, medication management, and the importance of having an asthma action plan. This document provides best-practice and evidence-based guidance on asthma management.
Asthma Burden 2020 Report (PDF)
This document provides a summary of asthma burden data in Wisconsin describing prevalence, asthma control and management, health care utilization and mortality.
Wisconsin Asthma Plan 2021-2025
Recent changes in our health care delivery system have provided the Wisconsin Asthma Coalition with new challenges and great opportunities to address asthma in a comprehensive way. As detailed in the Wisconsin Asthma Plan 2021-2025, the Wisconsin Asthma Coalition seeks to provide a seamless alignment of asthma services across the public health and health care sectors. This plan provides the blueprint for the public health and health care sectors to join efforts in their shared goal of empowering people with asthma to live better and healthier lives.
Addressing persistent asthma-related health disparities is crucial for our success. This plan includes goals and objectives to promote cultural competence and improve health care access and continuity of care.
Health Disparities in Wisconsin Hospitalizations for Asthma
The Health Disparities in Wisconsin Hospitalizations for Asthma surveillance brief was developed by the Wisconsin Environmental Public Health Tracking Program and the Wisconsin Asthma Program to highlight racial and ethnic disparities in asthma hospitalizations among Wisconsin residents.
Influenza Vaccination Rates Among People with Asthma
Influenza Vaccination Rates Among People with Asthma, P-01218, (PDF) is a surveillance document developed by the Wisconsin Immunization Program and the Wisconsin Asthma Program to highlight influenza vaccination rates among children and adults with asthma.
Work-Related Asthma in Wisconsin, P-00068 (April 2009) (PDF)
Outdoor wood boilers
Outdoor Wood Boilers features guidance for local government and public health officials on the use and regulation of outdoor wood boilers (OWBs).
Wisconsin Guide to Asthma-Friendly Schools
The Wisconsin Asthma Program: Guide to Asthma-Friendly Schools, P-01113, (PDF) provides guidance to Wisconsin schools on ways to help students better manage their asthma. It is meant to assist school staff to better recognize asthma symptoms, reduce asthma triggers, and educate students on asthma self-management through various guides, handouts, and posters.
School Walkthrough Guidebook
The School Walkthrough Guidebook provides comprehensive do-it-yourself instructions to identify asthma triggers in the school environment and offers low and no-cost solutions to make your school more asthma friendly. This guide was created by the Wisconsin Asthma Coalition (WAC).