CARS/GEARS: The Five Types of Profiles and How They Work

Type A—Adjustment Profiles are used by DHS, for specific and approved purposes to increase or decrease payments to local agencies. For example, collecting Board Billings due from county agencies is accomplished via an Adjustment Profile. Local agencies should NOT report on Adjustment Profiles. Adjustment Profiles are generally numbered in the 900-series of Profile IDs.

Type D—Non-Reimbursable Profiles are used by local agencies to report needed information that does not result in payments. For example, local agencies may be required by contract to report local match on a Non-Reimbursable Profile.  Costs may be allocated to Non-Reimbursable profiles.

Type E—Sum Sufficient Profiles. Costs are allocated to sum sufficient profiles from another profile. Provided the agency has an active contract of $-0- or more on the sum sufficient profile, costs charged to a sum sufficient profile are reimbursed in full and are not limited by contract amount. 

Type F—Contract Controlled Profiles. Costs may be reported by local agencies, rolled to a contract-controlled profile from another profile or allocated to a contract-controlled profile from another profile. Costs charged to an active contract-controlled profile are reimbursed up to the contract amount, provided the report month is within the Profile’s contract period and depending on funding control limits. The reimbursement percentage is set by contract and may be 100% or less (please refer to your contract to determine percent reimbursable). Depending on the profile, costs above the contract limit may roll to another profile.

Type G—Allocated Profiles. Costs reported to an Allocated Profile are not reimbursed on that profile. Costs reported on an allocated profile are, as the name implies, allocated to other profiles. Reimbursement of costs after allocation depend on the profiles to which costs are allocated.

  Tip: In addition to the Profile information provided on the CARS Webpage, a specific profile’s type can be found on the 603, 610 and 620 reports in both CARS and GEARS.


Last revised May 15, 2023