Wisconsin Coverdell Stroke Program: Strategic Program Overview

The Wisconsin Coverdell Stroke Program is committed to providing high-quality acute stroke care in Wisconsin. Our goal is to improve health outcomes for all patients who have a stroke. This work requires a joint effort among hospitals, EMS (emergency medical services), community organizations and others who work in stroke care.

Logo for the Wisconsin Coverdell Stroke Program

Program objectives

  1. Public awareness—Promote messaging for stroke prevention, signs and symptoms, and the importance of calling 911.
  2. Partnerships—Increase and maintain multi-disciplinary partnerships. These include Stroke Coordinators of Wisconsin, the EMS Board Physician Advisory Committee, and others. These partnerships guide the Wisconsin Coverdell Stroke Program and enhance other statewide stroke efforts.
  3. Recruitment—Recruit and engage EMS, hospital systems in quality improvement, and community partners.
  4. Data infrastructure—Implement an integrated data management system. It will measure, track, and assess quality of care.
  5. Data use—Increase the reliability and use of stroke data across transitions of care. This includes EMS to hospital, hospital to home, and primary care to community services.
  6. Quality improvement—Coordinate efforts to improve quality of stroke care.
  7. Sustainability—Develop a plan and/or methods to support ongoing coordinated stroke care systems.

Key components

  • For hospitals to report on and improve performance measures. This occurs through the Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Registry.
  • For EMS to report on and improve performance measures. This occurs with the Wisconsin Ambulance Run Data System.
  • Facilitate EMS and hospitals to develop and begin Stroke Systems of Care.

Contact us

Ka Z Xiong, MPH
Coverdell Epidemiologist and Program Director



Last revised January 23, 2024