Public Health Workforce Projects and Initiatives

Projects and initiatives have been specifically designed to advance a diverse, sufficient and competent workforce that promotes and protects health, as set forth in Healthiest Wisconsin 2020: Everyone Living Better, Longer.

Public Health Workforce: Advancing the Plan for a Diverse Sufficient and Competent Workforce

Public Health Workforce: Advancing the Plan for a Diverse, Sufficient and Competent Workforce is an implementation grant funded by the Wisconsin Partnership Program.

Scenario Based Assessment

The Scenario Based Assessment is being developed to provide an online method for participants to assess progress in achieving core competency at "aware," "knowledgeable," and "advanced/proficient" levels. Once an evaluation is received, the participant will retrieve learning resources through the TRAIN Learning Management System and other systems to address the competency domain and level needed for advancing competency.

Public Health Workforce Report 2008

Wisconsin Public Health Workforce, 2008 (PDF) provides baseline public health workforce data. It focuses on the governmental public health workforce, and includes some data about the workforce of selected other public-sector organizations. The report is a first step toward workforce planning. Its purpose is to assist educational institutions, state and local emergency readiness and public health preparedness experts, community agencies, local health department administrators, boards of health, legislators and others to plan for a trained and qualified public health workforce.

Collaborative response to a growing workforce crisis

Funded by the Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program, a Medical College of Wisconsin Development Grant, this project provides the data collection and forecasting critically needed for workforce planning.

Linking Education and Practice for Excellence in Public Health Nursing

The purpose of the Linking Education and Practice for Excellence in Public Health Nursing Project (LEAP Project) was to improve competency for public health nursing practice in a changing public health system by educating public health nurses, student nurses, and nursing faculty to provide population-based, culturally competent public health nursing services. The project directly affects nurses in local, state, and tribal public health departments, school nurses, and nursing students and faculty in nursing education programs in all areas of Wisconsin.

Project partners included the Division of Public Health - Regional offices, Wisconsin local public health departments, Wisconsin Tribal Health Centers, the Wisconsin Association of School Nurses and Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, School Nursing Program and Wisconsin Schools of Nursing.

This project was supported by funds from the Division of Nursing (DN), Bureau of Health Professions (BHPr), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) under DHHS/HRSA D11HP07731, Linking Education and Practice for Excellence in Public Health Nursing.

Midwest Center for Lifelong Learning in Public Health (MCLPH)

MCLPH comprises faculty and staff from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, who partner with other organizations including the Minnesota Department of Health, North Dakota Health Department, North Dakota Department of Health, and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to meet the education needs of public health professionals.

Learn more: About MCLPH - University of Minnesota: School of Public Health


Last revised August 3, 2022