WISH Query: Hospitalizations Resulting from Nonfatal Motor Vehicle Crashes (2017+)

(Data Updated July 2021)

The Wisconsin Injury Program linked crash data from the Department of Transportation (DOT) with non-fatal hospitalizations for years 2017-2019. The linkage was focused on the hospitalization injury subset and those stays with an ICD-10-CM code noting unintentional motor vehicle (MV) traffic injury (See injury technical notes). This module is geared towards injury programmatic staff, such as local health departments, traffic safety program staff, school staff and other organizations focused on motor vehicle injuries.

Not all health visits with a motor vehicle injury have a corresponding match with a crash record. For more detail, see crash-hospitalization documentation.

Data measures and output are different than the other three injury modules. Counts and percentages will be reported in the results, as the focus is on distribution of crash and injury characteristics. Rates are NOT reported, as the data in this module do not represent all hospitalizations with motor vehicle injuries (See crash-hospitalization documentation).

Step 1. Type of motor vehicle-related traffic accident (based on hospital record):

Or choose one of the following types of MV injury (not inclusive of all types):

Step 2. Severity of injury (classification based on hospital diagnosis codes; see crash-hospitalization documentation):

Step 3. Type of injury (based on hospital diagnosis codes) (optional):

The default option includes all types of injuries (in other words, all hospitalizations due to injury). Or you have the options to choose one of three injury types listed below. These three injury types are not all inclusive (these do not include all possible injuries resulting from a motor vehicle crash). Only one injury type may be selected at a time since they are not mutually exclusive. Because a visit can include more than one type of injury, these three injury types cannot be combined to total 100%.

Step 4. Choose Area of Patient's Residence

Hold down the control (Ctrl) key to select multiple counties, regions, or regional trauma council areas.

Note: To see results for individual areas, choose "Geographic Area" as a ROW variable or COLUMN variable in Step 7 or 8 below.

See the region map, urban and rural map, or regional trauma advisory council map.

Step 5. Choose Year(s)

Choose One or More Years

Choose the year in which the patient was discharged.

Note: WISH suppresses counts in cells that are less than 5 to comply with data privacy guidelines. Combine data years to increase cell counts.

Step 6. Choose Age, Sex, Race, and Ethnicity (Optional)

Due to changes in the reporting form, there was a larger number of missing and inconsistent race information from some facilities in the first quarter of 2018. Race information for this year should be reviewed with caution (especially when comparing to previous and later years).


Step 7. Choose a Row Variable

See crash-hospitalization documentation for details on the following choices:

Step 8. Choose a Column Variable (Optional)

See crash-hospitalization documentation for details on the following choices:


To send your request for data now.

To clear all selections and start over.


Last revised August 10, 2023