Environmental Public Health Tracking: Topics and Data

The Tracking Program hosts data on more than twenty environmental public health topics.

Select an area of interest below to learn more about the topic.

Take the portal for a test drive and email us at dhstracking@dhs.wisconsin.gov if you have any questions or suggestions for future updates.

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Portal troubleshooting

Users having trouble accessing the portal should skim Portal Troubleshooting, P-01179 (PDF). If that doesn't work, try updating your web browser (for example, Chrome) to the most recent version. If you are still having trouble, please contact dhstracking@dhs.wisconsin.gov.

Data topics

Air Emissions

Exhaust cloud rises from a factory with red sky and sun.

Industries that release emissions into the air above certain levels must report the amount released annually.

Air Quality

Two adults and two children on grass in a park

Wisconsin Tracking compiles data on air quality measures that have standard levels defined by the federal government.


Close up of long-neck beer bottles, bottle caps and a partial glass of beer,

Public health tracks alcohol-related data to identify areas of need and plan programs and policies to address problems.


Young child blowing bubbles outside

Wisconsin Tracking provides data and information on asthma.

Birth Defects

Clasped hands lay across her pregnant belly in red dress

Wisconsin Tracking receives data from the Wisconsin Birth Defects Registry.

Birth Outcomes

Pregnant person with her friend sitting in the living room

Birth outcomes refer to how a baby is conceived, carried to term, and delivered. Wisconsin Tracking hosts data on six types of birth outcomes.


Young pair of hands holding an older pair of hands

Wisconsin Tracking hosts data on more than a dozen types of cancer.

Carbon Monoxide

An adult checks a smoke detector in the ceiling.

Wisconsin Tracking provides data on carbon monoxide hospital admissions and emergency department visits.

Climate, Heat, Precipitation

Climate change before (desert) and after (lush grass) with a silhouette of a person in between

Wisconsin Tracking provides heat and heat-related illness data and precipitation and flooding data.

Community Characteristics

Looking over the neighborhood homes with trees and downtown buildings in the background, Milwaukee

Community characteristics can include information about an area's natural features and its human-made features.

Community Design

An adult with a briefcase riding bicycle next to a bus.

Community design is all of the human-made physical elements of a community.


Senior and teen lying on the grass laughing together

Wisconsin Tracking provides data and information on COPD, a lung disease that causes airflow blockage and breathing-related problems.

Environmental Justice

Lake Monona and Madison skyline in autumn.

Exposure to environmental toxins contributes to unequal health outcomes among people of different socioeconomic status and race.

Heart Disease and Stroke

Red with green trim emergency sign outside a hospital

Wisconsin Tracking gathers data about heart attacks and strokes.


Child hugging a teddy bear with left arm near healthcare provider's neck

Public health professionals track immunization data in order to identify areas of need and plan disease prevention efforts.

Lead Poisoning

A toddler playing with blocks on an area rug at home

Wisconsin Tracking hosts adult lead data and childhood lead poisoning data.

Lyme Disease

A pair of runner shoes walking through tall grasses

Public health professionals track Lyme disease to educate their communities and plan prevention efforts. 

Oral Health

child brushing teeth

Wisconsin Tracking monitors how many cases of particular oral diseases occur in a county over time

Populations and Vulnerabilities

A smiling crowd wave.

Gathering data on populations and vulnerabilities allows public health professionals to identify high risk groups and plan programs and policies.

Public Water

Rusty outdoor water faucet

Wisconsin Tracking has data that can be used to help health professionals and the public understand drinking water issues.


Hand holding a pack of cigarettes

The Tracking data allow public health professionals to monitor trends over time. These data may also help with program planning, policy, and evaluation efforts.

Questions? Can't find what you're looking for? Have feedback? Contact us at dhsdphepht@dhs.wisconsin.gov.


Last revised January 9, 2024