Board for Evaluation of Interpreters (BEI): Performance Tests

Upon passing the Test of English Proficiency (TEP), you are eligible to take a BEI interpreter performance test. Each level of certification has its own interpreter performance test. After you pass one of these performance tests, you become certified at that level.

The basic and advanced performance tests taken in Wisconsin will primarily be rated by Wisconsin rating teams. Master performance tests as well only be rated by Texas rating teams. Candidates can expect their results within 90 business days of their test date. Any changes in the results timeline will be communicated directly with test candidates.

The basic, advanced, and master level performance tests are offered quarterly. Upcoming test dates will be listed below as they are determined. Please note that even though dates are listed on the webpage, registration for them may be full. If individuals choose test dates that are already full at the time of their application, they will be contacted via email to select a new test date.

Available test dates times, and application deadlines
Test typeTest datesTime slot(s)Application due date
BEI Basic
BEI Advanced
BEI Masters
February 12 and 13, 2025FullN/A
BEI Basic
BEI Advanced
BEI Masters
May 14 and 15, 20259:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 3:30 p.m.April 16, 2025
BEI Basic
BEI Advanced
BEI Masters
August 13 and 14, 20259:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 3:30 p.m.July 16, 2025
BEI Basic
BEI Advanced
BEI Masters
November 12 and 13, 20259:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 3:30 p.m.October 15, 2025

Pick two preferred test dates. Note that we make every effort to honor preferred test dates; however, there are times when we will be unable to do so. If that is the case, we will communicate that with the applicant(s).

The basic, advanced, and master performance tests are criterion-referenced tests of the three interpretation modes most commonly used by interpreters. These are:

  • Expressive—rendering spoken English into American Sign Language (ASL) or signed English.
  • Receptive—rendering ASL or signed English into spoken English.
  • Sight translation—reading and rendering a written English document into ASL.

In order to sit for BEI advanced and BEI master level performance tests, you must meet the prerequisites that have been determined by the Texas Department of Health and Human Services (see section F).

The BEI performance tests will be proctored by the Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ODHH) BEI staff and will be administered at the Department of Health Services, which is located at 1 W. Wilson Street, Madison WI 53703.

When applying for the BEI basic performance test, you will need to mail, via USPS, the following information:

  • Completed and signed test application, F-02530.
  • Money order or cashier's check made payable to ODHH.
    *Please note that personal checks and cash will not be accepted.
  • Proof of passing the TEP.

Once all of the above information has been received and your eligibility to take the BEI basic performance test has been verified, you will receive an email confirming your test date and time. If you are ineligible to take the BEI basic performance test, you will be notified of that in an email as well.

When applying for the BEI advanced performance test, you will need to send the following information:

Once all of the above information has been received and your eligibility to take the BEI advanced performance test has been verified, you will receive and email confirming your test date and time. If you are ineligible to take the BEI advanced performance test, you will be notified of that in an email as well.

When applying for the BEI master performance test, you will need to send in the following information:

Once all of the above information has been received and your eligibility to take the BEI master performance test has been verified, you will receive an email confirming your test date and time. If you are ineligible to take the BEI master performance test, you will be notified of that in an email as well.

The BEI performance assessments will be administered at the Department of Health Services, which is located at 1 W. Wilson Street, Madison WI 53703.

They will be conducted in a soundproof booth.

Costs for the BEI performance tests
Test typeCost
BEI BasicWisconsin resident: $275
Out-of-state: $310
BEI AdvancedWisconsin resident: $300
Out-of-state: $335
BEI MasterWisconsin resident: $300
Out-of-state: $335

Payment for performance tests

Payment needs to be in the form of a money order or cashier's check. Personal checks and cash will not be accepted. Payment should be mailed to:

Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
1 W. Wilson St., Room 558
Madison WI 53703

Checks should be made payable to ODHH. Allow 30 days for processing.

All test fees are nonrefundable.

Your performance on the basic, advanced, or master performance test is scored in two ways: objectively and subjectively. This two-part assessment system provides a reliable, fair, and valid device for certification of interpreters. Your performance is evaluated by a team of BEI-approved raters.

Performance tests taken in Wisconsin will be rated by Texas rating teams while we work on establishing our own pool of raters. Candidates can expect their results within 90 days of their test date. Any changes in the results timeline will be communicated directly with test candidates.

For more information about test expectations, formats, sample scripts and scoring criterion, please see the BEI Study Guide. This guide also includes a list of resources you can use to prepare for the performance test, including books and websites that we have found helpful.

Note: Specific details regarding application and testing procedures listed in this guide pertain only to those taking the test in Texas. Procedures for applying and taking the TEP or BEI performance test in Wisconsin are outlined above.


Last revised February 6, 2025