Hearing Loss Equipment Financial Assistance Options

Other financial assistance options to purchase hearing aids or cochlear implant processors, or specialized telecommunications equipment.

State and federal agencies

Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)
DVR will provide services to consumers who are deaf, hard of hearing or Deaf-Blind and meet DVR eligibility requirements. Assistance with hearing aids and other assistive listening devices may be provided to consumers who need such devices to secure or retain employment. DVR offices are located all around the state.

U.S. Veterans Administration (VA)
The Veterans Administration will provide hearing aids and eyeglasses to veterans who receive increased pension based on the need for regular aid and attendance; are permanently housebound; receive compensation for a service-connected disability; are former prisoners of war; or have received a Purple Heart medal. Otherwise hearing aids and eyeglasses are provided only in special circumstances and not for normally occurring hearing or vision loss. For additional information, contact the prosthetic representative at the nearest VA health care facility. (Taken from Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents, 2016 Edition.)

Medicare specifically excludes hearing aids and exams for fitting hearing aids. Hearing and balance exams are covered only if ordered by a doctor to see if you need medical treatment. Standard qualifications for the Medicare program apply. Coverage is available, however, for cochlear implantation if all criteria for Medicare coverage are met.

Wisconsin Medicaid General Eligibility
Medicaid is a joint federal/state program established in 1965 under Title XIX of the Social Security Act to pay for medical services for people with disabilities, people 65 years and older, children and their caretakers, and pregnant women who meet the program's financial requirements. The purpose of Wisconsin Medicaid is to provide reimbursement for and assure the availability of appropriate medical care to persons who meet the criteria for Medicaid. Wisconsin Medicaid is also known as the Medical Assistance Program, Title XIX, or T19. Speech, hearing and language disorder services, P-00079 (PDF) are covered. Hearing aids and cochlear implants are covered services under some plans for Medicaid eligible recipients.

Katie Beckett Medicaid Eligibility Option
The Katie Beckett Program is a special eligibility process that allows certain children who are residents of Wisconsin with long-term disabilities or complex medical needs, living at home with their families, to obtain a Wisconsin Medicaid card. Children who are not eligible for other Medicaid programs, because their parents' income or assets are too high, may be eligible for Medicaid through the Katie Beckett Program if they meet all the eligibility criteria.

Well Badger Resource Center
The Well Badger Resource Center is a statewide information and referral service dedicated to helping families and professionals find resources for children with special needs who are between the ages of birth to 21 years . It also serves as a central directory for Wisconsin's Birth to 3 Program, and links parents and professionals to Regional Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) Centers across the state.

Wisconsin Infant and Children's Statewide Hearing Aid Exchange Service (WISHES)
The WISHES program provides hearing instruments for a six month period to newly identified deaf and hard of hearing children who are not Medicaid eligible or do not have other hearing aid insurance coverage (children ages 0-3 will be given priority). This temporary assistance is intended to bridge the gap between identification of a hearing loss and obtaining the financial means to purchase personal amplification or for children awaiting cochlear implant surgery. Families can access the program through their clinical audiologist.

WisLoan Program
WisLoan is an alternative loan program for persons with disabilities, including people who are deaf, hard of hearing and Deaf-Blind in Wisconsin to purchase equipment such as hearing aids, modified vehicles, wheelchairs and ramps. The program is open to Wisconsin residents of all ages who have a disability. There are no income requirements and individuals are not required to exhaust personal or public funding. Under the program, banks provide loans to qualified borrowers. Loan amounts depend on the item purchased and the ability to repay the loan. Independent living centers throughout the state provide technical assistance, applications, and assistive technology services.

Private agencies

ABC for Health
ABC for Health is a Wisconsin-based, nonprofit public interest law firm dedicated to linking children and families, particularly those with special health care needs, to health care benefits and services. ABC for Health's mission is to provide information, advocacy tools, legal services and expert support needed to obtain, maintain and finance health care coverage and services.

The Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment Fund, Inc (HIKE Fund)
The HIKE Fund, Inc. is the continuing philanthropic project of Jobs Daughters International. It's purpose is to provide hearing devices for children with hearing losses between the ages of newborn and twenty years whose parents cannot afford the devices. Children are eligible to receive a grant once the need is verified by a prescription from an audiologist or physician. The Fund supports many types of devices including, but not limited to, hearing aids, FM systems, closed caption converters, tactile units, alerting systems and specialized sports equipment to aid children with hearing loss in communication.

Lions Affordable Hearing Aid Project (Lions-AHAP)
Through the Lions Affordable Hearing Aid Project, the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) provides high-quality, low-cost hearing aids to people who could not otherwise afford them. This project is in addition to other Lions hearing programs.

In cooperation with participating Lions foundations, districts and clubs, and hearing care professionals, the Lions AHAP is distributing two hearing aids manufactured by Rexton, Inc. Both are digital, behind the ear aids. Lions clubs, districts and hearing programs are able to order one or both aids from Lions AHAP. After clearing all criteria, Lions AHAP forwards the order to Rexton. Rexton ships the hearing aids to the hearing care professional who have working relationships with these Lions entities.

Lions Hearing Foundation
Lions Clubs International provides support for people who are deaf, hard of hearing and Deaf-Blind by offering the following services: hearing awareness, hearing screenings, communication aids for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, recreational camps for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, and support for the deaf and hard of hearing community. Lions operate a Hearing Aid Bank Program that collects used hearing aids that are then refurbished and made available to people who could not otherwise afford to purchase hearing aids.

Miracle Ear Foundation
This program provides no-cost hearing aids and hearing support services to children and adults. Their families must have a significantly limited income, but are not eligible for any public support, and are unable to afford the high costs of quality hearing instruments. Applications are evaluated on a case by case basis.

Sertoma International (Service to Mankind)
Sertoma International is a volunteer civic service organization with clubs in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Sertoma's mission supports hearing health. The Sertoma Club of Madison and the University of Wisconsin Speech & Hearing Clinic provide reconditioned hearing aids to low income individuals through their Sertoma Hearing Aid Recycling program. Preference for assistance will be given to residents of Dane county and surrounding communities.

Local civic or service organizations

Local civic and service organizations such as: local Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary, Optimist clubs, Goodwill Industries, National Easter Seals Society, Telephone Pioneers of American, Granges and March of Dimes (to name a few) provide assistance to individuals for hearing aids and assistive technology. Consult your local phone directory to locate these organizations within your community.

Additional information

If you would like more information regarding financial assistance as well as insurance coverage visit the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA)

Financial assistance in Wisconsin for TTYs, amplified telephones, captioned telephones

Telecommunication Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP) is to help people with disabilities buy equipment they need from approved vendors in order to use basic telephone services. TEPP is paid for through the Wisconsin Universal Service Fund (USF) established by the Public Service Commission (PSC). Money collected from Wisconsin telephone services providers goes into the USF. TEPP requires that an applicant:

  • Be a Wisconsin resident
  • Be a person who is deaf, hard of hearing, speech impaired, or mobility or motion impaired
  • Need special equipment to use the telephone in the home or when traveling (such as a TTY, amplification, visual alert system, etc.)

There is no age or income limit but an individual can only receive TEPP money (in the form of a voucher) once every three years for the same type of disability. The individual pays the first $100 (except for vouchers classified at the Hard of Hearing level) and the TEPP voucher pays the rest, up to the maximum voucher amount. (See the Telecommunications Assistance Program for assistance with the required $100 co-pay if you are low-income.)

Telecommunications Assistance Program (TAP) is a financial assistance program available to any individual in Wisconsin who is Deaf, Deafblind, or Severely Hard of Hearing and low-income to purchase specialized equipment needed to access distance communication services. TAP funding can also be used to pay for copay costs required of the Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP). TAP funding is limited and is available on a first-come first-served basis.

To be eligible for TAP assistance, an applicant must:

  • Be a Wisconsin resident.
  • Be an individual who is Deaf, Deafblind, or Severely Hard of Hearing.
  • Meet income eligibility guidelines
  • Have not received TAP assistance within the past three years.

*Note: TAP and TEPP are two separate programs offered by two separate agencies. Both programs require their own application materials be submitted to determine applicants eligibility.


Last revised April 2, 2024