Prediabetes: Resources for Employers

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Few chronic diseases cost Wisconsin employers as much as prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. They cost around $6 billion in lost productivity and medical expenses each year. What’s worse? Four out of 5 people with prediabetes don’t even know they have it. Your employees could miss their chance to reverse high blood sugar before it becomes type 2 diabetes. If they do, your business may pay the price.

Portrait of an adult wearing a safety vest

Don’t miss out on the benefits of a healthy workforce. Encourage your employees to learn more about the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP). It’s a lifestyle change program offered in your community. Employer sponsorship and support can make all the difference.

Offer a lifestyle change program

You can help employees prevent, reverse, or reduce their risk for prediabetes. Offer a lifestyle change program through your insurance or wellness plan. The National DPP is a proven program backed by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

How lifestyle programs help

A lifestyle change program can make real, measurable differences for both your employees and your business. These programs connect employees with the coaching, support, and resources they need. As a result of these programs, other employers have seen:

  • Improved employee morale and engagement
  • Lower health care and safety costs
  • Lower workers’ compensation costs

How lifestyle change programs work

These programs are offered virtually and in person. They include much more than a quick presentation or a few fact sheets. They offer a year-long experience that delivers:

  • A turnkey curriculum proven to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Participants’ risk lowers by 58%, and by as much as 71% for those over age 60.
  • Practical tools and tips for reducing stress, eating well, and getting active
  • Regular coaching sessions with a skilled diabetes prevention specialist. Sessions are offered online, in your community, or even in-person at your location
  • Group-based learning experiences that give participants a community of support

Find the lifestyle change programs for your employees

Through these programs, you can protect your staff’s productivity and boost morale. You also can cut health care coverage costs. To start planning, follow these simple steps:

  • Calculate Benefits and Costs with the CDC’s impact calculator to estimate your organization’s potential savings
  • Talk with your insurance provider about covering the program as part of your company’s health benefits
  • Find local program providers and talk about ways to deliver the program Learn more at Prediabetes: Take Control of Your Health.

Resources for employers

Ready to get started? Use the materials in this toolkit to educate your employees about the dangers of high blood sugar. Together, we can help Wisconsin take steps toward better health.

Tabletop displays

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Smiling younger adult sitting on steps


Close up of adult outdoors

Adult jogging

An adult jogging

Adult on laptop

Adult on laptop in bedroom with dog sitting at their side

Adult working out

Close up of an adult using hand weights

Child drinking soda

Close up of a child drinking a glass of soda


Close up of two adults and two children
Carousel photos

To get the carousel effect, upload each photo to the same post. Learn more:

Set 1, Photo 1

Adult sitting on steps with speech cloud: I joined to


Set 1, Photo 2

Adult standing outdoors with a speech bubble: Prevent Prediabetes


Set 1, Photo 3

Close up of adult with Now it's your turn


Set 2, Photo 1

Close up of an adult with a speech bubble This program helped


Set 2, Photo 2

Close up of adult with speech bubble: reverse my diabetes


Set 2, Photo 3

Close up of adult with Don't Wait


Set 3, Photo 1

Close up of adult sitting on steps with speech bubble: I joined for the tools


Set 3, Photo 2

Close up of adult with speech bubble: I joined for the support


Set 3, Photo 3

Close up of adult with speech bubble: I joined for the results


Check back for more resources to come. In the meantime, visit Prediabetes: Partner Resources for other ideas.

Email our Chronic Disease Prevention Program staff at if you have questions or need help with these materials.

Discover the facts

Preventing or reversing prediabetes starts with getting the facts. Help your employees learn more about prediabetes. They should understand the dangerous myths that make prediabetes seem less harmful than it is, how to reduce their risks, and more.


Last revised April 5, 2023