Asbestos Project Designer

A certification for a person who plans and designs asbestos abatement projects in schools or other large facilities.


Initial, Renewal


In Wisconsin, a person must be certified to do asbestos work. Asbestos project designer certification is for a person who plans and designs asbestos abatement projects in schools or other large facilities. They also plan set-up and maintenance work.

Asbestos project designers must be associated with a certified asbestos company when doing asbestos work.


One year. A one-day annual refresher training is required to renew.


$175 per year


You must be 18 or older. You also must complete an initial three-day asbestos project designer training course. Find a training provider here.

See Wis. Admin. Code. ch. DHS 159, subchapter II, Certification, Requirements for Individuals.

Program information

The Asbestos Program makes sure asbestos professionals are trained, certified, and work safely.


Last revised December 8, 2023