Nursing Home Grant Program: Approved Projects

Projects approved by the Quality Assurance and Improvement Committee

Below you will find information on recently approved nursing home grant projects in Wisconsin. You can also visit Nursing Home Grant Program: Resources to find resources developed through the nursing home grant program and now available to all nursing homes.

Four Winds Manor

Amount Awarded: $4,727

Start date: 11/1/18
End date: 7/31/21

Status: Ongoing

The Effect of Environmental Improvements on Lives of Residents with Dementia

Four Winds Manor will provide a specialized training for staff who care for residents with dementia and provide enrichment tools to actively involve the residents, including modifying the environment. Throughout this project, Four Winds Manor will provide staff training using resources from the Department of Health Services and outside resources including building a DVD training library for new employees. Four Winds Manor will provide training to staff on ways to help family members interact with the resident; investigate tools, games, and other activities to benefit the residents. The facility will purchase training videos, virtual reality glasses, and other materials for the benefit of the residents; research and evaluate methods to modify the environment to enrich each resident's life and provide a more home-like, calm, inviting feeling in the facility.

North Central Health Care

Amount awarded: $23,000

Start date: 9/1/17
End date: 8/31/20

Status: Ongoing

Stop Starting It!

The "Stop Starting It" program is an interpersonal skills workshop developed to help caregivers assess attitudes, reframe perspectives, and practice interpersonal skills for working with people with dementia. Participants will learn how to promote an overall environment of positive language and behaviors when working with people with dementia. The workshop will be held for 30–40 attendees at 10 locations throughout Wisconsin in 2017 and early 2018. Pre- and post-test information will be collected at each presentation and used to evaluate the effectiveness of the training.

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This content reflects the views and opinions of the advisory council. It may not reflect the official policy or position of DHS.


Last revised January 17, 2023