WCMH: About the Wisconsin Council on Mental Health

Organization chart of the Wisconsin Council on Mental Health (PDF)

Wisconsin Council on Mental Health Strategic Planning Priorities (PDF)

Wisconsin Council on Mental Health Committee Charters (PDF)


The Wisconsin Council on Mental Health (WCMH) is legislatively mandated under section15.197(1), Wisconsin Statutes, as the mental health planning Council for the State. It was created to advise the Governor, the Legislature and the Department of Health Services (DHS) on the allocation of Mental Health Block Grant funds. The Council has 20 to 25 members appointed by the Governor, meeting bi-monthly. At least 50 percent of the members are consumers and/or family members. Other members represent state agencies, mental health providers, and other organizations or groups. The WCMH evaluates and reviews the mental health system's progress towards achieving improved client outcomes and the adequacy of mental health services in the State. The Council duties are specified in section 51.02, Wisconsin Statutes. The Council oversees state compliance with federal Public Law 102-321.

Vision and mission

The vision and mission statements are adapted from the Final Report of the Blue Ribbon Commission (BRC) on Mental Health.

Vision of the council:

  • We envision the time when all persons in need of mental health services across Wisconsin have equal access to resources that strengthen self-determination and self-sufficiency by promoting health and wellness, improvement and recovery, quality of life, and dignity.

Mission of the council:

  • Create partnerships that develop, coordinate, and provide a full range of mental health resources.
  • Emphasize hope and optimism in all interactions.
  • Implement a comprehensive strategy to eradicate stigma and discrimination.
  • Involve consumers, their families, and communities as equal stakeholders in service system governance, planning, and delivery.
  • Acknowledge the abundance and limitation of human and financial resources and commit to responsible stewardship of these resources.

Duties of the council

  • Advise the Department of Health Services (DHS), the legislature, and the governor on the use of state and federal resources and on the provision and administration of mental health programs.
  • Provide recommendations to the DHS on the expenditure of federal funds received under the Mental Health Block Grant.
  • Participate in developing, monitoring, and evaluating the implementation of the Mental Health Block Grant Plan for adults and children.
  • Review all DHS plans for services affecting persons with mental illness and monitor the implementation of the plans. Serve as an advocate for persons of all ages with mental illness.

Statutes and by-laws

Opportunities to Serve on the Wisconsin Council on Mental Health

Disclaimer about advisory council content

This content reflects the views and opinions of the advisory council. It may not reflect the official policy or position of DHS.


Last revised May 30, 2024