Lead Abatement Supervisor

A lead abatement supervisor certification is for a person who oversees lead abatement projects onsite. A lead abatement supervisor may also do lead-safe renovation work, if trained in Wisconsin. 


Initial, Renewal


In Wisconsin, a person must be certified to work with lead-based paint. A lead abatement supervisor certification is for a person who oversees lead abatement projects onsite. A lead abatement supervisor may also do lead-safe renovation work, if trained in Wisconsin (learn more about lead safe renovation).

Lead abatement supervisors must be associated with a certified lead company when doing lead work.


Two years. An eight-hour refresher training is required every two years to renew.


$275 for a two-year license. State and local government workers don’t have to pay the fee.


You must be 18 years of age or older and have one of the following:

  • One year of experience as a certified lead abatement worker.
  • Two years or more of experience in a related field, such as asbestos or mold remediation, building trades, construction, painting, remodeling, or maintenance.

You also must complete the following training courses:

  • The one-day initial lead-safe renovation course.
  • The one-day initial lead abatement work course.
  • The two-day initial lead abatement supervision course.

See Wis. Admin Code ch. DHS 163, subch. II, Certification of Persons to Perform Lead-Safe Renovation, Lead Hazard Reduction, or Lead Investigation Activities.

You must pass a state certification exam within six months after completing the first training course.

Program information

The Lead Certification Program makes sure lead professionals are trained, certified and work safely.


Last revised January 22, 2024