Birth to 3 Program: Your Rights

Federal and state laws

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law. It helps protect children with disabilities. It makes sure those children can get the services they need. IDEA guides how states and public agencies provide:

  • Early intervention 
  • Special education
  • Other related services

Infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families receive early intervention services under IDEA Part C. Learn more about IDEA. Read Understanding Part C of IDEA.

In Wisconsin, the Department of Health Services (DHS) leads early intervention services. This is done through the Birth to 3 Program. DHS has rules to run the program across the state. Read those here: Wisconsin administrative code DHS 90.

Specific rights (Birth to 3 Program - Parent and Child Rights, P-21106) are built into the Birth to 3 Program. There are also legal safeguards built in. These are in place to protect children and their families. These safeguards ensure that the Birth to 3 Program will:

  • Follow set rules.
  • Respect your views and wishes about the services your family and child get. 

Solving disagreements

There may be a time when you don’t agree with the services your child gets. This is called a dispute. As the caregiver of a child, you have the right to disagree with the decisions made. This could include decisions about:

  • Whether or not your child qualifies.
  • Assessment results.
  • Services.
  • How your child’s services are paid for.

Most counties have a local process for solving issues in the Birth to 3 Program. Please ask the support and service coordinator for more information.

You also have these options to help solve any issues:


Last revised July 18, 2022