Acronym Glossary

Acronyms are often used by public and private agencies as timesaving, shorthand ways to communicate lengthy titles or basic concepts. This glossary provides a quick reference to the terms, acronyms and abbreviations commonly used by this Department.

Topics D

  • DAG

    Wisconsin Diabetes Advisory Group

    Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
  • DCF

    Department of Children and Families (DCF). Created on July 1, 2008.
  • DCTS

    Division of Care and Treatment Services - created July 1, 2016. Previously known as DMHSAS. The three former DLTC Facilities (CWC, NWC, SWC) are now also part of DCTS.

  • DD

    Developmental Disability or Developmentally Disabled

  • DDB

    Disability Determination Bureau

  • DDES

    Former Division of Disability and Elder Services, split into Division of Long Term Care and the Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse.

  • Declaration to Physicians

    Also referred to by the public as the "Living Will," a form which enables a person to declare his or her wishes in advance concerning the use of life-sustaining procedures in the event of a terminal illness or injury when the person has become incompetent. Forms distributed by the Department's Division of Public Health.

  • Defibrillation

    The administration of an electrical impulse to an individual's heart for the purpose of stopping ventricular fibrillation.

  • Demonstration Project

    A short-term experiment to determine if a new activity is worthwhile, feasible or cost-effective, and to understand its consequences, before any commitment is made to make it permanent.
  • DES

    Division of Enterprise Services

  • DHCF

    Former name of DHCAA, DHS Division of Health Care Financing; administers MA program.
  • DHS

    Department of Health Services

  • DHSS

    Formerly Wisconsin State Department of Health and Social Services, to July 1, 1996. Is now Department of Health Services (DHS).

  • DIN

    Decision Item Narrative, a statement justifying a proposal included in a budget request.
  • Disability Rights Wisconsin

    Disability Rights Wisconsin; A Wisconsin-wide organization that advocates for people with disabilities and mental illnesses.

  • Divestment

    In reference to eligibility for Medicaid, the disposal of resources at less than fair market value in order to qualify for benefits.
  • DJC

    Division of Juvenile Corrections in DOC; formerly DYS in DHSS.

  • DMA

    Department of Military Affairs

  • DMS

    Division of Medicaid Services.

  • DNR

    Do-not-resuscitate; orders of physicians to withhold restorative treatment, usually limited to cardiopulmonary resuscitation, from patients who suffer cardiac or respiratory arrest.
  • DOA

    Wisconsin Department of Administration

  • DOC

    Wisconsin State Department of Corrections.
  • DOE

    U.S. Department of Energy.
  • DOJ

    Department of Justice (Wisconsin)
  • DOL

    U.S. Department of Labor.
  • DON

    director of nursing (nursing home)
  • DOS

    Dates of Service

  • DOT

    Department of Transportation

  • DPCP

    Wisconsin Diabetes Prevention and Control Program
  • DPH

    DHS Division of Public Health.
  • DPI

    Department of Public Instruction

  • DPM

    Division of Personnel Management

  • DQA

    Division of Quality Assurance

  • DRGs

    Diagnosis-Related Groups

  • DRL

    Department of Regulation & Licensing (Wisconsin)
  • DRW

    A Madison-based organization doing legal and other advocacy to protect and promote the interests of persons with a developmental disability or a mental illness.
  • DSPN

    Disability Service Provider Network

  • DSPS

    Department of Safety and Professional Services

  • DSS

    County department of social services; administers public assistance and social service programs; same as SSD, CDSS.
  • DUR

    Drug Utilization Review

  • DVA

    Department of Veterans Affairs

  • DWD

    Wisconsin State Department of Workforce Development.
  • DYS

    Former Division of Youth Services in DHSS. Is now Division of Juvenile Corrections (DJC), Department of Corrections.


Last revised February 14, 2024