Acronym Glossary

Acronyms are often used by public and private agencies as timesaving, shorthand ways to communicate lengthy titles or basic concepts. This glossary provides a quick reference to the terms, acronyms and abbreviations commonly used by this Department.

Topics M

  • MA

    Another term for Medicaid. Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that helps more than 1 million Wisconsin residents get high-quality health care coverage, long-term care, and other services that promote physical and mental health and well-being.

  • MA Waiver

    An exemption from a requirement of federal Medical Assistance (Medicaid) law, granted to the Department by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the authority of 42 USC 1396n (b), (c) or (d). Currently the Department has a waiver under which it requires MA recipients in Milwaukee County to participate in HMOs that are under contract to the Department for this purpose, and waivers that enable the Department to provide MA-funded home and community-based services under CIP I-A, CIP I-B, CIP II and COP to MA-eligible elderly and disabled persons who would otherwise need SNF or ICF level of care in nursing homes.

  • MAGI

    Modified Adjusted Gross Income; Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) plus any untaxed foreign income, non-taxable social security benefits, and tax-exempt interest.

  • MCH

    Maternal and Child Health (Title V) program of the Department.

  • MCO

    Managed Care Organization

  • MD

    Muscular Dystrophy; a disease where muscles become progressively weaker and lose mass with age.

  • MDS

    Minimum Data Set;a core set of data that describe nursing home resident clinical, functional, and demographic characteristics submitted by nursing homes to the Department of Health Services on a regular basis.

  • Medicaid

    A joint federal and state program that helps more than 1 million Wisconsin residents get high-quality health care coverage, long-term care, and other services that promote physical and mental health and well-being.

  • Medicaid Purchase Plan (MAPP)

    Health care coverage for people with a disability who are 18 or older and are working or interested in working.

  • Medical Assistance

    Another term for Medicaid. Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that helps more than 1 million Wisconsin residents get high-quality health care coverage, long-term care, and other services that promote physical and mental health and well-being.

  • Medically Underserved Areas

    Federally identified areas in need of certain health services (not necessarily physician services) based on infant mortality rates, poverty rates, and percent of elderly in the population.

  • Medicare

    Title XVIII of the federal Social Security Act and 42 CFR 405 to 424; insurance-like payments for medical care of persons aged 65 and over; administered by federal Social Security Administration.

  • MEDS

    Medicaid Evaluation and Decision Support (data warehouse)

  • MilES

    Milwaukee Enrollment Services

  • MJTC

    Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center operated by Mendota Mental Health Institute for male DJC clients.

  • MMHI

    Mendota Mental Health Institute in Madison.

  • MMIS

    Medicaid Management Information System.

  • MOU

    Memorandum of Understanding.

  • MRC

    Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) volunteers donate their time and expertise to prepare for and respond to emergencies and promote healthy living throughout the year. MRC organizes and utilizes medical and public health professionals such as physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, veterinarians, and epidemiologists.

  • MRI

    Magnetic resonance imaging; in health care, a diagnostic technique that employs magnetic and radio frequency fields to produce images of body structures and organs.

  • MS

    Multiple Sclerosis; a disease where the immune system attacks and degrades the protective covering of nerve fibers. Often this nerve damage becomes worse over time while mobility becomes more difficult.

  • MTM

    Medication Therapy Management; services provided by health care providers, including pharmacists, that ensure the best treatment results for patients.


Last revised February 14, 2024