Radioactive Materials: Wisconsin Regulatory Guides (WISREGs)

WISREGs provide guidance on completing a Radioactive Material License Application or implementing a radiation protection program.

For application guidance WISREGS go to Licenses - New or Renewal

WISREG 1556 Vol. 1, P-45025, Revision 2 (PDF) – Guidance for Portable Gauges or XRF Devices

WISREG 1556 Vol. 2, P-45045, Revision 2 (PDF) – Guidance for Industrial Radiography Use

WISREG 1556 Vol. 4, P-45038, Revision 1 (PDF) – Guidance for Fixed Gauge Devices

WISREG 1556 Vol. 7, P-45046 (PDF) – Guidance for Academic, Research and Development, and Other Licenses of Limited Scope

WISREG 1556 Vol. 9, P-45041, Revision 2 (PDF) – Guidance for Medical Use of Radioactive Material

WISREG 1556 Vol. 11, P-45047 (PDF) – Guidance for Licenses of Broad Scope

WISREG 1556 Vol. 13, P-45044, Revision 1 (PDF) – Guidance for Radiopharmacy


Last revised March 22, 2024