Radioactive Materials Program

Wisconsin Stats. § 254.365 requires that any person who possesses, uses, manufactures, transports, stores, or transfers radioactive materials in Wisconsin must have a radioactive materials license. Effective August 11, 2003, the Department of Health Services (DHS) licenses and inspects byproduct, source, special nuclear, naturally occurring, and accelerator-produced radioactive materials in Wisconsin (unless exempted).

WISREGS, licenses, and notices

License forms, WISREGS and other related documents can be downloaded from this website. The Wisconsin Regulatory Guidelines are the best source of information about the licensing of radioactive materials.

Wisconsin Admin. Code § DHS 157 details the licensing requirements and fees. Wisconsin Admin. Code ch. DHS 157 is divided into 15 subchapters. The following table provides a list of Wis. Admin. Code ch. DHS 157 subchapters relating to the regulation of radioactive materials.

Wisconsin Administrative Code DHS Chapter 157 Subchapters
IILicensingXNotices/Reports to Workers
IIIRadiation ProtectionXIInspection
IVIndustrial RadiographyXIIEnforcement
VWell LoggingXIIITransportation
VIMedical Use of Radioactive MaterialXVRegistration

Wisconsin Statutes, Wis. Admin. Code ch. DHS 157, WISREGs, and all posters and forms can be mailed to you. Contact the Radiation Protection Section at:

Division of Public Health
Radiation Protection Section
Attn: Radioactive Materials Program
PO Box 2659
Madison, WI 53701-2659
Phone: 608-267-4789
Fax: 608-267-3695


Last revised March 29, 2024