Radiation Protection

Activities designed to minimize radiation exposure to the general public are described below. Also provided are links to the Wisconsin statutes and rules that govern these activities.

Information and resources


  • The most recent revision of Wis. Admin. Code, ch. DHS 157 has been completed and published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register, No. 745 with an effective date of July 1, 2023 . The revised rule language is available on the legislative website.
  • Licensing of Radiographers/X-Ray Machine Operators in accordance with 2009 Wisconsin Act 106 will be under the auspices of the Department of Safety and Professional Services.

Environmental monitoring

The State of Wisconsin monitors the environment for radiation emission in the areas around the five nuclear power facilities that affect Wisconsin. Bob Busch, 608-267-7320

Incident Response and Advisory Assistance

The Department of Health Services (DHS) has a key role in protecting the citizens of Wisconsin and their property in events involving radioactive materials other than a nuclear power plant origin. This site provides information for professionals involved in planning for and responding to a radiological emergency. Contact: 608-267-4797. Sample Radioactive Emergency Posting Sign P-00248 (PDF)

Radioactive materials

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Governor signed an agreement transferring regulatory authority over byproduct, source and special nuclear materials to the state. Wisconsin became the 33rd agreement state effective August 11, 2003. (See who regulates on the NRC website for a description of agreement states.)

As an agreement state, the Department is responsible for licensing and inspecting the above-named materials, except at nuclear plants and federal facilities. Radioactive materials are commonly used for medical diagnosis and treatment, industrial processes, research and education. Contact: Megan Shober, 608-287-4422 Radioactive Materials Supervisor.

Radiological emergency preparedness

A Radiological Incident Response Plan has been developed to handle all radioactive emergencies at nuclear power plants in or near Wisconsin. Activities include: developing and conducting training for state, local and utility emergency responders; procedure development; exercise scenario development; and participation in scheduled nuclear plant emergency preparedness exercises evaluated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Contact: Charles Adams at 608-267-4794 or Luther Loehrke at 608-267-3657.


The State of Wisconsin supports a variety of radon activities, including research, education and a statewide network of Radon Information Centers (RIC). The RICs provide information and advisory assistance to the public regarding radioactive radon gas. Contact: 608-267-7199.

X-ray / Mammography facilities inspection

The State of Wisconsin works to minimize the public's unnecessary exposure to radiation by inspecting and registering all x-ray for compliance with state radiation protection regulations.

Mammography facilities are inspected for compliance with federal regulations. Contact: William Balke, Supervisor, at 608-267-4787.

Statutes and rules

For more information

Radiation Protection Section
Attn: Susan Hagstrom
PO Box 2659
Madison, WI 53701-2659
Phone: 608-267-4797
Fax: 608-267-4799


Last revised July 7, 2023