Electronic Visit Verification (EVV): Alternate EVV

An alternate EVV system is an EVV data collection system not provided by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS). Providers can use either the DHS-provided Sandata EVV system or an alternate EVV system. Providers who choose an alternative EVV system must: 

  1. Review the business requirements for alternate EVV systems.
  2. Complete the Sandata alternate EVV certification and Sandata aggregator portal set up process.
  3. Learn how to use the alternate EVV system and train agency workers.

Alternate EVV systems are required to integrate with the Sandata aggregator. Alternate EVV systems send a provider’s EVV visit information to the Sandata aggregator where providers can verify EVV visit information was received and that visits are in a verified status. The Sandata aggregator feeds all EVV visit information to DHS. DHS processes the visits and sends files to payers on a daily basis. Providers and their alternate EVV vendor will work with Sandata to set up their system and receive training on the Sandata aggregator portal.

Providers are responsible for any costs related to the implementation of, or training for, an alternate EVV data collection system.

Please plan ahead. The certification and set up process may take up to three months to complete.

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Alternate EVV Town Hall 

Are you a provider considering an alternate EVV system, or an EVV vendor supporting Wisconsin providers? View the recording or PowerPoint of Sandata's Alternate EVV Town Hall. The presentation answers questions about the process to set up and use an alternate EVV system. It also answers questions about the technical specifications.

The EVV certification requirements and process are detailed below:

1. Business requirements

Review the Business Requirements for Alternate EVV Systems, P-02663 (PDF), which outlines the high-level requirements for providers considering an alternate EVV system.

2. Certification and set up process

Complete each step on the Alternate EVV Certification Process Checklist, P-02663A (PDF). The certification process is shortened if the provider’s alternate EVV vendor has already been certified for use in Wisconsin.


  • Providers should use the DHS-provided Sandata system until their alternate EVV system is ready to use.
  • DHS may request a demonstration of the system’s ability to send information to Sandata.
  • Providers and vendors may be required to recertify their alternate EVV system at the request of DHS. Providers using alternate EVV systems that fail to complete the required recertification may be required to transition to the DHS-provided EVV system until recertification is complete.
  • Technical specifications
    • For providers who plan to capture EVV information with an alternate EVV system before January 1, 2024, use specification v2.3.
    • For providers who plan to capture EVV information with an alternate EVV system on or after January 1, 2024, use specification v2.5.
  • Alternate Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Attestation, F-02659 (PDF)

3. Alternate EVV system training

Your alternate EVV vendor is responsible for training your administrators on how to use their alternate EVV system. Once administrators have been trained, they should train the workers. In addition, administrators will need to take Sandata’s training on the Sandata aggregator so they can confirm visit data has been fully received. Workers do not need to be trained on the aggregator.

The provider and the alternate EVV vendor share joint responsibility for making sure staff is fully prepared to use the alternate EVV system.



Last revised January 11, 2024