Wisconsin's Functional Screen

Wisconsin's Functional Screen system is a web-based application used to collect information about an individual's functional status, health, and need for assistance for various programs that serve people who are elderly, have intellectual, developmental, or physical disabilities, or have mental health and substance use disorders. Experienced professionals, usually social workers or registered nurses, who have taken an online training course and passed a certification exam are able to access and administer the screen.

Resources for certified screeners:

General information

Resources for Adult Long Term Care Functional Screen screeners

Resources for Children's Long-Term Support (CLTS) Functional Screen screeners

CLTS FS teleconferences

  • November 14, 2024


August 8, 2024: Questions received on Clinical Instruction updates, detailed preview of Functional Screen changes, resources, outreach

May 9, 2024: Overview of Functional Screen Clinical Instruction updates, preview Functional Screen changes, Oshkosh Learning Center screen lead outreach

February 8, 2024: Functional screen not functionally eligible (NFE) reviews, functional screen data from 2023, functional screen reminders, functional screen clarifications


November 9, 2023: Functional screen access, functional screen reports, functional screen reminders, not functionally eligible (NFE) screen confirmation process

August 10, 2023: Rescreen reviews, Katie Beckett Medicaid/CLTS Unwinding update, resources, upcoming outreach

May 11, 2023: Rescreen Q&A

May 2023 recording

April 20, 2023: Rescreen essentials

February 9, 2023: Screener essentials


November 10, 2022: Coordination between CLTS Waiver and CCS and the CLTS FS (program selection, “CCS Question,” quality review of screens, joint memo, FAQ review)

August 11, 2022: Initial eligibility determination timelines (terminology, barriers, tips); quality screen review (behaviors, IADLs, ADLs)

May 12, 2022: Screen timeliness; NFE review process; behaviors/social competency; COVID-19 Unwinding; resources/trainings

February 10, 2022: CLTS Waiver Renewal; defining roles, activities, resources for CLTS FS Leads


November 4, 2021: Overview of CLTS FS updates' CLTS FS Clinical Instructions Module 6 ADL/IADLs; Module 9 Screen time and Notes; Module 10 Functional Eligibility Results; Module 11 Resources for Certified Screeners

October 14, 2021: Overview of CLTS FS updates; CLTS FS Clinical Instructions: Module 4 Mental Health; Module 5 Behaviors; Module 7 School & Work; Module 8 Health-Related Services

September 9, 2021: Overview of CLTS FS updates; CLTS FS Clinical Instructions: Module 1 Information pages; Module 3 Diagnoses

Contact information

Archived documents

Resources for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Functional Screen screeners

The Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Functional Screen determines eligibility for:

A series of changes to the Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Functional Screen took effect in 2023.

Tools for screeners

If you have a question about the Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Functional Screen, contact the Division of Care and Treatment Services at dhsdctsfs@dhs.wisconsin.gov.

Sign up for email updates regarding the Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Functional Screen.

General resources for all screeners


Last revised October 3, 2024