Residential Care Apartment Complexes: Opening a Residential Care Apartment Complex

A residential care apartment complex (RCAC) is a place where five or more adults reside that consists of independent apartments with specific criteria:

  • Individual lockable entrance and exit
  • Kitchen, including a stove
  • Individual bathroom
  • Sleeping area
  • Living area

These facilities also provide tenants with no more than 28 hours per week of supportive, personal, and nursing services.

All housing arrangements meeting this RCAC definition must be registered or certified.

Registered RCACs may serve only private pay tenants. Certified RCACs may serve private pay tenants and tenants who receive public funding, including Medicaid waiver reimbursement.

The Division of Quality Assurance (DQA) of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is responsible for regulating facilities that serve:

  • Frail elderly.
  • People with developmental, mental health, physical or sensory disabilities.
  • Individuals with substance abuse problems.

Wisconsin Admin. Code ch. DHS 89, as required by Wis. Stat. ch. 50, governs the registration and certification of RCACs.

DQA doesn't refer tenants for placement in assisted living facilities or provide funding to facilities to care for tenants. Tenants may be eligible to receive waiver funding through county departments of health or human services or Family Care managed care organizations.

Effective April 1, 2023, the Bureau of Assisted Living (BAL) requires all RCAC applications to be submitted through the online e-Licensure program.

The e-Licensure program has simplified the application and certification fee payment process. The program highlights include:

  • Ability to complete, sign, and submit application online.
  • Ability to save your progress and return at a later time to complete and submit the application.
  • Ability to upload supporting documents.
  • Convenience in submitting certification fee payment online using a credit card or e-Cheque via the US Bank secure site and receive an email confirmation.
  • Reduces mailing and processing wait times along with postage expenses.
  • Print your application after submission.

Refer to the "Before applying for certification or registration" heading below for instructions and the links to get started.

  • Established provider: A provider who currently operates an RCAC.
  • New provider: A provider who currently does not operate an RCAC.
  • Attestation before initial certification/registration survey: BAL requires every applicant to complete a compliance statement before scheduling an initial certification survey.
  • Inactive application: Applications not completed within six months of submission will be closed due to inactivity.
  • Two revisions: An application is not considered complete until all required documentation has been submitted. If the required documents don't meet the registration/certification regulations, BAL will only send two revision letters per application. After a second unsuccessful revision, no further applications will be accepted from the applicant for the specified location for one year.
  • Conversion: Any applicant seeking to convert an area that is a nursing home or community-based residential facility to an RCAC must submit additional information as specified in Wis. Admin. Code § DHS 89.61.

To apply for certification or registration as an RCAC, review:

As part of the application process, you will be required to upload documents, including the facility's:

  • Floor plan.
  • Service agreement.
  • Fire inspection.

Prepare these documents before you begin and ensure each is a single file.

Though your information will be saved as you go, DHS recommends completing the online license application process in a single session. You can view application status at any time and print your completed application after you submit it.

The following checklists will help you identify the required documents for submitting your application:

Plan review

RCACs are multifamily dwellings according to the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS). Therefore, RCACs are subject to the State Building Code. New construction "stand-alone buildings" must comply with the requirements of DSPS. You can obtain a Plan Submittal Kit by calling DSPS at 608-266-3151 or your local DSPS field office.

RCACs connected to community-based residential facilities, nursing homes, or hospitals require building plan review and approval by DHS.

DQA Bureau of Health Services
Plan Review Intake
PO Box 2969
Madison, WI 53701

All RCACs must comply with applicable statutes, rules, and regulations including local zoning ordinances.

Create your WAMS ID

Web Access Management System (WAMS) allows authorized individuals to access state internet applications with a single set of credentials. You'll need to create a WAMS account. Use the WAMS account recovery process to retrieve forgotten login identification or passwords for existing accounts.

The email address you use to create your WAMS account will be the email BAL uses to register you in the e-licensure system. Please ensure your account has been activated before moving to the next step. You should receive a confirmation email after you create your account.

Notify the Bureau of Assisted Living of your WAMS account

Send an email with your name and WAMS ID to to request you become registered as a user of the e-licensure system.

Once you receive your confirmation email registering your WAMS ID, you're ready to apply for your RCAC online.

Please refer to documents listed in section A of the Established Provider Licensure Application Checklist, F-02110B (Word) or New Provider Licensure Application Checklist, F-02110D (Word) that will need to be uploaded during the application process.

DHS will schedule an initial licensing visit when the application is complete. DHS has 70 days to approve or deny a license. This processing period begins after DHS receives the complete certification application packet and completes the initial onsite survey.

To be eligible to receive Medicaid waiver funding, upload a completed Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Compliance Review Request, F-02138 with the application.

Applications not completed within six months of submission will be closed.

Once the application is complete, the BAL central licensing unit will send a Residential Care Apartment Complex (RCAC) Applicant Compliance Statement, F-02110 (Word) to the applicant. When you're ready for an initial onsite survey, return the completed compliance statement to central licensing and an assisted living surveyor will be assigned.

The assisted living surveyor will review the items listed on the Residential Care Apartment Complex (RCAC) Initial Survey Checklist, F-02634C (Word) during the initial onsite survey and tour of the facility.

Once you receive your confirmation email registering your WAMS ID, you're ready to apply for your RCAC online.

Please refer to documents listed in section A of the Established Provider Licensure Application Checklist, F-02110B (Word) or New Provider Licensure Application Checklist, F-02110D (Word) that will need to be uploaded during the application process.

DHS will issue a statement of registration upon receipt of a completed application and other requested documents.

Applications not completed within six months of submission will be closed.

DHS will complete caregiver background checks on the following individuals before initial registration or certification and every four years after. New applicants for registration or certification must submit a Background Information Disclosure (BID) form and BID Appendix form for each individual following the caregiver background check process.

For non-government entities:

  • The owner of the entity. If the owner is a corporation or other type of business that doesn't have a single owner, then the organization may designate one principal officer to legally represent the organization for the purposes of fulfilling the background check requirement. For new applicants, the individual who signs the application fulfills this requirement.
  • Principal officers, corporations, or board members of the business organization who have regular, direct contact with clients.
  • Nonclient residents (over age 10) of the entity who have regular, direct contact with clients.

For government and tribal entities:

  • An individual (e.g., the entity administrator designated by the government agency or tribe who operates the entity) regardless of interaction with clients.
  • Nonclient residents (over age 10) of the entity who have regular, direct contact with clients.

The entity must complete a caregiver background check on all caregivers. A caregiver is a person who meets all the following requirements:

  • Employed by or under contract with an entity
  • Has regular, direct contact with the entity's clients or the personal property of the clients
  • Under the entity's control

A completed caregiver background check consists of:

  • A completed BID.
  • Response from the entity's inquiry to the Department of Justice.
  • The letter from DHS with information regarding any government findings of misconduct or credential limitations.

Direct contact is defined as face-to-face physical proximity to a client with the opportunity to commit abuse or neglect or misappropriation of a client's property.

Copies of background checks for anyone covered under this rule must be available for review upon DHS request.

There is no fee for RCAC registration.

For certification, the base fee is $445, plus $7.60 for each apartment unit every year.

Fees are non-refundable.

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Last revised May 23, 2024